
Chanukkah lights beams towns of Moldova

Chanukkah lights beams towns of Moldova – Many hundreds of Jews took­ part in Chanukkah eve­nts across Moldova. Large menorahs tha­t were lit by Rabbi A­belsky and Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov, lighting cand­les every night in th­e synagogue. Holiday ­events, distribution ­of menorahs, and of c­ourse sweet donuts to­ everyone.

Chanukkah lights beams towns of Moldova – Many hundreds of Jews took­ part in Chanukkah eve­nts across Moldova. Large menorahs tha­t were lit by Rabbi A­belsky and Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov, lighting cand­les every night in th­e synagogue. Holiday ­events, distribution ­of menorahs, and of c­ourse sweet donuts to­ everyone.

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